Continue your protection with our access control system maintenance service to check that all your systems are working correctly. Whether we’ve installed your access control system or not, we can provide a maintenance service for any access control system installed. 

Maintaining your access control system is highly recommended and is a requirement of the British Standard BS 50133. It’s important to make sure the main functions of the system such as the fire alarm integration and battery backup features are working as they should.

Maintain important features for continued safety and protection

We test all the main functions of the system including the operation of individual doors and the battery backup UPS to ensure doors remain locked, but can also provide authorised access when in a power failure. 

While individual doors will continue to work offline, network connectivity is important to ensure the doors receive database information online such as new users and users that have had their access removed. 

The most important feature to check is the fire alarm integration to ensure doors remain open to allow free exit from the building in case of fire. 

We also offer maintenance for our biometric access control systems.

Maintaining any access control system

Our maintenance service applies to any professionally installed access control system, even those not fitted by us. 

As Paxton Access registered installers, we also have extensive knowledge of other access control systems such as Honeywell, Vanderbilt, PAC, Videx and more. 

Prior to any system takeover, we carry out a compliance check as part of the initial service. This confirms that your system meets and complies with the latest standard.

Need to maintain your door access control system to protect your building?

Not to worry. If you want free advice about security solutions for an upcoming project, contact our site security expert here.

Alternatively, if you’ve had a recent break-in or theft and need a solution ASAP, call 08456 121332 now. We’re available 24/7.

Certificate of Registration

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