Continue your protection with our CCTV maintenance service to check that all your systems are working correctly and are up to standard. Whether we’ve installed your CCTV system or not, we can provide a maintenance service for any CCTV system installed. 

An annual CCTV system maintenance is a requirement, especially if your CCTV system is installed in accordance with BS:8418. This is the standard for detector activated CCTV systems with a police response. 

A comprehensive maintenance service to continue your protection

We test all the main functions of the system including image quality, orientation and adjustment, environmental integrity of all weatherproof boxes and connections, supplementary lighting including infrared and playback of recorded images. 

For monitored systems, we check the setting and unsettling procedures, external detector alignment, system activation and alarmed image receipt at the Remove Video Receiving Centre (RVRC) and the all-important UPS battery backup integrity check. 

Maintaining a wide range of old and new CCTV systems

Although CCTV is continually evolving, we can maintain any CCTV system including older systems that use coaxial cable and up-to-date systems that use structured cabling, CAT5, fibre optic, radio frequency or IP Wi-Fi. 

Maintaining existing CCTV systems for your peace of mind

With any professionally installed CCTV system, we can provide maintenance and monitoring services for systems fitted by other providers, not just from ourselves. 

Prior to a system takeover, we carry out a compliance check as part of the initial service to confirm that your system meets and complies with the latest standards.

Need a CCTV maintenance service to continue protecting your property?

Not to worry. If you want free advice to discuss security solutions for an upcoming project, contact our site security expert here.

Alternatively, if you’ve had a recent break-in or theft and need a solution ASAP, call 08456 121332 now. We’re available 24/7.

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